I’m very glad because Maria, from My Sweet Chubby, has included mine among the five blogs in her Liebster Blog Award list. If you do not know this «prize», its intention is that the bloggers ourselves spread the less known of our favorite blogs. It’s a great idea because blogsphere is very big and there are many treasures to discover.
This is my selection:
La Gata Con Botas: Silvia likes fabrics, threads, wools… and she transmits it with her words and her wonderful photographies. If you like patchwork you cannot miss her precious quilts.
Elena Relucio: I enjoy following the creative process of the artist whose work I like, as Elena. Besides, she shows us a thousand beautiful things. Don’t miss it!
Iaia Imma: this is a very personal blog. Imma has very much taste in everything she does and grace to tell it. She always makes my day.
La Pequeña Lo: her creations are delightful and her blog conveys vitality, optimism and craft passion. Through her dolls life is seen from a different view.
Entretelas y Letras: Cristina loves needleworks, reading, cooking… And she tells everything with a contagious enthusiasm. If one day your strength fails, visit her blog, she has lots.
8 respuestas
Enhorabuena por el premio! Qué iniciativa más chula! Voy a entrar en tus seleccionados.
Te gustarán.
Qué emoción!!! 🙂 Graciaaaaas 🙂 Me ha encantado eso que has dicho de que en la blogosfera hay muchos tesoros que descubrir. Tienes toda la razón. Hay muchos blogs muy conocidos, pero a mí me encanta descubrir otros nuevos, con menos seguidores quizá, pero llenos de cosas preciosas igualmente. Me voy a ver los otros blos! 😉
No recuerdo ya cómo llegué a tu blog, pero fue una casualidad y me alegro mucho.
Me ha gustado mucho que te guste mi blog;)
Muchas gracias!
Desde luego pasar por aquí siempre es interesante!
Lo mismo me pasa a mi con tu blog, Floreal.
Felicidades Maria!! Se nota las cosas que se hacen con cariño.
¡Gracias, Esther!