Via DMC’s blog I have known the Portuguese crocheter Vera João Espinha. Her work is wonderful: modern, elegant and colorful.
It makes you feel like taking the needle, don’t you think so? So this Pickles‘s spring quilt is a good option.
¿Habéis probado el paper piecing? A mi me vuelve loca en todos los sentidos: me gusta mucho y me resulta complicado. Este pequeño tapete puede ser un buen reto para iniciarse porque el tutorial de Sew Happy Geek está muy bien explicado.
Have you tried paper piecing? It drives me crazy in all senses: I like it very much and it results difficult to me. This small rug can be a good challenge to start with it because Sew Happy Geek’s tutorial is very well explained.
Nice embroideries.
These bags for storing sewing material, toys or what you prefer, are great. The DIY is by Rachel, from Always to Project.
I love Little Big Pant‘s dolls. They are handmade combining all kinds of techniques: knit, printing on fabric, sewing…
This precious scarf is made with felt flowers. If you like it, the tutorial is by Watch Me Daddy.
With these so funny plates sure you convince to your children to eat all. They are by the designer Boguslaw Sliwinski.
When I saw this chain I loved its originality and how well it fits despite its simplicity, which makes it still nicer. So this is my proposal for the weekend. The DIY is by Harper’s Bazaar.
And for the children this weekend we can learn to make some prints at Marta’s blog, Reciclando en la Escuela.