Charlene Mullen‘s embroidered pillows are really amazing, aren’t they?
I have already showed you 464 Handmade’s purses, now it’s time for its modern patchwork pieces.
Los tutoriales de Craftiness is not Optional son estupendos. El de este monedero de fieltro es de mis favoritos.
Craftiness is not Optional’s tutorials are marvellous. This one about a felt purse is one of my favorites.
Jessica Rose es un buen ejemplo de tejedora con un estilo fresco y moderno.
Jessica Rose is a good example of a fresh and modern style knitter.
Rachael, from Imagines Gnats, has made a marvellous tutorial for Sew, Mama, Sew!, explaining how is made this toy-book. If you like patchwork this is a very enjoyable work.
The baskets from Justa Bunch of Baskets are very elegant.
Me encantan estas rosas de ganchillo, invitan a ganchillear. El patrón está en Lark Crafts.
I love these roses, they invite to crochet. The pattern is on Lark Crafts.
I’ve fallen in love with these little wooden houses, decorated win a retro style and much color. I’ve seen them on Etsy’s blog.
3 respuestas
Los cojines y lo cestos me han encantado, pero el video es pura alegria… Genial!
Fabulosos cojines! Y todo lo demás, las fotos son fantásticas.
Sí, los cojines son impresionantes. Las fotos no les hacen justicia.