Rebecca likes to work with all kinds of textures, as you can see in her dolls. If you enjoy sewing you must visit her blog, The Littlest m, it’s great to read it and see the photos of what she’s working on.
These towels are a small patchwork project, ideal to enjoy with no complications or to get started. The tutorial is on Quilt Story.
Sara Gilmore is the author of these works in which she combines felt and embroidery. Though she devotes herself to Biomedicine, she loves working with felt at her free time. On her blog you will see the nice figures she makes.
Don’t you think this basket is really beautiful? So on Craft Passion they give us the tutorial to knit it. I have never used rope with crochet, but it does not seem difficult.
Jenny Arnott is a well-known English textile designer. The cute prints and motifs of her creations leave no doubt, purest English style.
Griottes is a delicious cooking blog with wonderful photographies.
Este ramo de flores de tela alegrará cualquier rincón de casa y a vosotros mientras lo hacéis. No requiere coser ;). El tutorial es de Made.
This fabric flower bouquet will brighten up any corner of the house and you will enjoy making it. It does not requiere sewing 😉. The tutorial is by Made.
These impressive dresses are made with paper, washi tape and water-color paintings by Mariko Ishikawa. A work of art!
On PaperMatrix they explain to us how to make this mobile hanger with paper ballons. You may download the template on PDF and see a video – tutorial.
Las obras del reputado artista japones Keiko Minami son… ¡de una belleza tan delicada!
The works of the renowned Japanese artist Keiko Minami have … such a delicate beauty!
4 respuestas
¡Qué selección de cosas chulas! No sé decidirme por cual me gusta más. Los globos son una pasada.
@Cosas molonas A mi me pasa igual, lo haría todo.
Esos bordados están muy tiernos, me encantan!!!
Intentaré hacer esos globos de papel, están muy bonitos.
@ROUS No parecen complicados, aunque lo mío no es el papel.