I have seen this quilt from Sasikirana Handmade and I can’t resist showing it to you, I love it. It is complex to make but seems so easy. The combination of fabrics is brilliant.
Whimsy Wendy makes lovely costumes for princesses using basically the tulle. It can inspire you to make your own creations 😉 Tulle is not difficult to work, the only thing you need is patience. And if you do not fancy making it yourselves you can buy its designs on Etsy.
RedVelvetart es una web de venta de arte, moda, música, artesanía y mucho más. Todo de tendencia alternativa, así que podéis encontrar cosas muy originales.
RedVelvetart is a sale web of art, fashion, music, crafts and much more. Everything is alternative tendency, so you can find very original stuff.
Biribís hace amigurumis, broches, ilustraciones y zapatos ilustrados que se pueden adquirir en Etsy. También tiene un blog. Me ha gustado mucho su amigurumi Lego, hecho por encargo.
Biribís makes amigurumis, brooches, illustrations and illustrated shoes that can be purchased on Etsy. They also have a blog. I really like its Lego amigurumi, made to order.
On One Pearl Button you can find several very interesting tutorials, like this that explains how to make magnetic paper dolls.
Impossible chocolate dresses on Haute Chocolate Fashion Runway Show. Real works of art, delicious, original and very imaginative.
Aunque se define como un perdedor, las pinturas de Andy Kehoe lo muestran como una persona con mucha vida interior. Tienen un aire de fantasía pero resultan en realidad duramente alegóricas.
Although he defines himself as a loser, Andy Kehoe’s paintings show him as a person with much inner life. They have a fantasy air but are in fact harshly allegorical.
Un comentario
Uf, el quilt de los círculos me parece dificilísimo. Me atrevo más con los tules, ahora que tengo una niña tengo excusa. Gracias por ponernos al día con los links!