NookNook is a handmade Thai company that makes these adorable patchwork dolls.
Bracelets, brooches, necklaces… The Winter Garden‘s knitting complements give a colourful note to the winter.
DMC’s blog gives the patterns of these decorations for your Christmas tree. You can download them in PDF format here.
El otro día vi este abecedario en el blog de Las Teje y Maneje y me di cuenta de que no tenía ningún patrón de letras. Si os ocurre igual, lo encontraréis en Hortenzie.
The other day I saw this alphabet at the blog of Las Teje y Maneje and I realized that I didn’t have any pattern of letters. If this also happens to you, you will find some at Hortenzie.
Lala Design Studio realiza artesanalmente sencillas y modernas joyas personalizándolas para su destinatario.
Lala Design Studio makes handcrafted simple and modern jewels customized for the person who is going to wear it.
¿Os atrevéis con este precioso bloque de The Purl Bee?
Do you dare with this precious block by The Purl Bee?
I told you some time ago about the work of Vahram Muratyan, about his illustrations comparing Paris and New York. They seem to me fantastic.
If you like his work as much as I do, I recommend you a book that has just been published where he compiles his illustrations «Paris vs New York».
2 respuestas
Qué ilustraciones tan fantásticas! Tan bonitas como inteligentes. Y lo demás estupendo, como siempre, me encantaron los muñecos de patchwork
Sí, no me canso de descubrir nuevas ilustraciones en su blog.