Blue Elephant Stitches es el blog de Jolene Klassen, una quilter con una habilidad evidente y un gusto en la combinación de telas que hacen sus creaciones un goce para los sentidos.
Blue Elephant Stitches is the blog of Jolene Klassen, a quilter with an evident skill and a very good taste in fabrics combination that make her creations a delight for the senses.
Stacey Trock is the designer of Fresh Stitches Amigurumi and has just published at Whip Up a great “step-by-step” about how to design amigurumis.
Los bordados de Sally Cram son modernos y cálidos.
Sally Cram‘s embroideries are modern and warm.
Do you know the blog El mundo del Reciclaje? It’s marvellous, with thousand ideas, crafts, tutorials… A good source of inspiration and very useful. Be sure to stroll through there with your children.
I love somewhat different ornaments but with an unequivocal Christmas character. As these by Tuck & Bonte.
Ingrid, Het Bovenhuis, makes these precious and colored felt garlands.
At Sweetie Pie Bakery they give us these cards to print or to use as patterns and put them on felt. Children can choose between Santa Claus’ hat and beard or his reindeer’s nose and horns. Ummm … Christmas is right here! Only one more week of school!