El calabacín y el curry combinan de maravilla. Una de las recetas favoritas en casa son los macarrones con calabacín: freímos cebolla y calabacín picados aderezados con sal y curry y antes de que esté listo se añade un poco de nata. Bueno, pues el otro día se me ocurrió reconvertir esto en una crema. ¡Y estaba deliciosa!
Zucchini and curry are a great combination. One of our favorite recipes at home are macaroni and zucchini: fry some chopped onion and zucchini with a pinch of salt and curry and when is nearly ready add a bit of cream. Well, the other day I thought to convert this into a soup. And it was delicious!
2 zucchinis
1 leek
1/2 litre milk approximately
salt, pepper and curry
1- Chop the white part of the peeled leek and zucchinis.
2- Warm a little oil into a pot and add the zucchinis and the leek. Let it all cook slowly in its own juice, these vegetables release many water. When it’s half-cooked add some salt, pepper and curry to taste.
3- When the zucchini is tender add the milk and puree the mixture. Add some more milk if needed depending of how thick you like it.
4- You can decorate the soup with a touch of cream when serving.