This year I want to use my Christmas proposals to show you some of my reference blogs. Their tutorials, patterns and tips are done by great professionals so you will be sure of success in your projects. I hope you enjoy them.
Lia Griffith ha formado un gran equipo que realiza tutoriales sobre todo de papel y fieltro, aunque encontraréis otras labores y manualidades. Si queréis acceder a los patrones debéis daros de alta por 10 dólares al mes o 99 dólares al año.
Lia Griffith has a team which makes tutorials, especially about paper and felt, though you will find other crafts. If you want to access the patterns you must to subscribe and pay 10 dollars a month or 99 dollars a year.
We All Sew is the blog of Bernina, the sewing machine company. All their DIY are designed to learn new sewing techniques. It is essential if you want to get the most of your sewing machine.
Feeling Stitchy is a fundamental blog if you want to keep up to date in embroidery. It tells us about artists with a selective and diverse point of view. This month it makes a daily Christmas proposal.
The yarn company Drops has on its website thousands of patterns in different languages and in addition it is very active. For Christmas they have prepared a «knit-along«, a Christmas Workshop and an advent calendar.
Si vuestro estilo es más «hippie», adoráis los años 70 y os gusta el bricolaje en A Beautiful Mess encontraréis mil ideas. Sigo a Elsie y Emma desde el comienzo y su entusiasmo es alegremente contagioso.
If your style is more «hippie», you adore the 70s and you like bricolage, you will find a million ideas at A Beautiful Mess. I follow Elsie and Emma from the beginning and their enthusiasm is joyfully contagious.
Moda Bake es una casa de telas que ofrece tutoriales en su página web con bastante frencuencia. Está publicando una serie de posts navideños en los que colaboran conocidas quilters.
Mode Bake is a fabric company that frequently offers tutorials on its website quite. They are publishing a series of Christmas posts in collaboration with well-known quilters.
Oh Happy Day es el proyecto de una decoradora de San Francisco especializada en fiestas. En su blog descubriréis manualidades originales y llenas de color.
Oh Happy Day is the project of a decorator from San Francisco specialized on parties. On her blog you will discover original and colourful crafts.