Seventh Sphere is Belinda’s shop on Etsy. She makes these nice purses.
Adrienne knits complements and jewels from models of traditional jewels. On her blog, Neeka Knits, reports her creative process.
This cute little rabbit is made with a sock. Do you fancy? The tutorial is by Craft Passion.
Danny, from Mommy For Reals, has prepared a great tutorial with all the details to make a fabric book for babies. It has patchwork blocks, animals templates … You’ll love it.
Sew Lola añade ganchillo a sus creaciones en tela, dándoles un estilo inconfundible.
Sew Lola adds crochet to her creations in fabric, giving them an unmistakable style.
Espacio Crochet is the blog of Ana, a marvellous crocheter from Madrid. As sample, I leave you a link to her tutorial of this funny camera.
Los cuadros en punto de cruz a gran escala resultan muy modernos y desenfadados. Jessica Decker, directora artística y diseñadora gráfica, se dedica también a bordar estas divertidas obras.
Great scale cross stitch result very modern and casual. Jessica Decker, art director and graphical designer, is dedicated also to embroider these funny works.
Con su gusto habitual, Helena, de Craft and Creativity, ha hecho estos preciosos vestidos origami. Si os gustan, ella ha aprendido con este vídeo.
With her usual taste, Hellene, from Craft and Creativity, has made these beautiful origami dresses. If you like them, she has learned with this video.
Preciosas cintas para el pelo de Lanusa.
Precious headbands for Lanusa‘s hair.