Jerry Chen creates these felt pincushions and many other nice things you can see on her Flickr‘s site.
Domatoma is the blog of Maryia Ramanava, a philosopher who spends her free time to photography and crochet.
I like much this individual tablecloth and Diane Gilleland’s tutorial which explains how to make it, it’s easy to follow. Do you feel like?
Ana Hagopian is a jeweler from Argentina who works with paper. Yes! These incredible necklaces are made of paper.
As a friend said to me a few days ago, is in summer when we have to weave for next winter. So I propose you this very simple and beautiful blanket. The pattern is on The Purl Bee.
Inspiradora idea estos búhos de Caroline Johansson, una ilustradora y diseñadora gráfica sueca.
Inspiring idea these owls by Caroline Johansson‘s, a Swedish illustrator and graphical designer.
¿Qué os parecen estas casitas? Están hechas reciclando cartones de leche. Son de MormorsGlamour.
What do you think about these little houses? They are made recycling cartons of milk. They are by MormorsGlamour.
El artista sueco Bo Christian Larsson ha convertido unas viejas maletas en elegantes hoteles de muñecas.
The Swedish artist Bo Christian Larsson has turned some old suitcases into elegant hotels for dolls.
Stephanie, de Imagine your Life, ha confeccionado con fieltro este divertido libro juego de un camping para su hijo. ¡No le falta detalle! Podéis ver cómo lo ha hecho y descargaros el patrón.
Stephanie, from Imagine your Life, has made with felt this enjoyable camping book-game for her son. No detail is missing! You may see how she made it and download the pattern.
Emma Block es una joven ilustradora inglesa muy valorada. Su estilo retro hace su obra irresistible, ¿verdad?
Emma Block is a very appreciated young English illustrator. Her retro style makes her work irresistible, doesn’t it?
4 respuestas
Maravilloso, me ha encantado tu entrada, son unas cosas preciosas.
Un besazo
@El Palacio de Martín Gracias. ¡Es que hay tanta creatividad por ahí! 😉
Gracias por esta entrada, como siempre me inspiran un montón!!!
@Blanca De nada, Blanca. Gracias a ti por pasarte por aquí.