This year I intend to give a craft touch to the Christmas gifts, cards and packaging. And I have started by the cards.
I have not planned it very much, I’ve made them on the go, so I’ve used what I came up with: cardboard, fabric, yarn, embroidery thread, felt, beads and sequins, buttons…
1- I cut two white felt circles, and some chain stitch and stem stitch embroideries, a nose of felt and a small scarf they all have become the doll.
2- Once the embroideries were made, I stuck the felt on the cardboard with special glue for fabric.
3- Then I sewed the scarf. To sew and embroider on paper it’s necessary first to make the holes where the threads will pass through.
4- Finally I embroidered the snowflakes using French knot. And I glued a fabric at the back to cover the threads.
For the Christmas tree:
1– He cortado un triángulo en tela que he pegado a la cartulina con pegamento para tela (podéis descargar mi plantilla aquí).
1- I cut a fabric triangle and I stuck it on the cardboard with glue for fabric (you can download my template from here).
2- And I decorated it with sequins, beads and a shiny thread I placed around the sequins (my tutorial about how to sew sequins is here). I also put fabric at the back so the threads cannot be seen.
For the star card:
1- I cutted out a fabric star and another a bit bigger on white felt (you can download my template from here).
2- I stuck the felt star on the cardboard and the fabric star on the felt one, with glue for fabric.
3- Finally I embroidered the edge of the fabric star using blanket stitch and I added a button in the middle.
Easy, isnt’t it?
6 respuestas
Muy lindas tarjetas para el árbol de Navidad pues ya se escribe muy poco y por tanto casi no se suelen mandar postales por correo.Saludos
Gracias por compartir
Yo las regalo en las tiendas donde compro las telas y les encantan
Unas tarjetas preciosas, gracias por los tutos, son muy útiles.
Un besazo
Gracias, chicas. Yo sigo enviando postales, lo encuentro muy personal y sigue siendo mágico.
También pienso que es mucho más personal y un bonito detalle, sobre todo si son hechas a mano.
Muy bueno el tutorial. Yo para evitar las costuras interiores en la tarjeta postal las coso y bordo sobre cartulina, que luego pego a la tarjeta.
Me gusta mucho tu blog.
@A mano, Ana Estupenda idea también.