Last year has been very intense in Deshilachado, with so much work that has been rewarded with small achievements and great joys. What really makes me very happy is the fact that we are more and more in Deshilachado, and I feel your support. Thank you!
As usual, we at home are not clear what we are going to do in August because, having our own companies keeps us dependent on the work constantly. So we are going to slow down but not “close for vacations”. In my case I have some orders to sew, but not many. And as for the blog, I need to take a little rest and spend more time with my family. But for me to rest includes reading craft blogs, websites and magazines. So I will continue with Puntadas and Facebook, though with a lower intensity. And also with the crafts for children, because my daughter and I are not going to “put the scissors away”.
I hope you enjoy this month, hot here and cold in the South, working or relaxing. But with all the craft inspiration of Deshilachado :)))
2 respuestas
Pues a disfrutar de la familia y a coger energías nuevas para después.
Saludos, pásalo bien.
@md Lo mismo te deseo.